Service for Corporation
Employee Training
ExampleResilience Training to fit your corporation and division.
At Resilie, we conduct training based on organizational stress check result and also Healthy Corporation guideline.
Trainings can be customized for your organization depending on the corporate culture and specific needs of the each department.
Healthy Corporation and Resilience
In an aging society with a declining birthrate, the environment surrounding working people is constantly changing.
The era of investing solely in improving corporate performance and corporate growth is over, and many companies are now investing in wellbeing of employees and workplace to create sustainable corporation. By investing in wellbeing of employees, we improve the productivity and work engagement.
Improving individual resilience in the era of VUCA, will surely be useful. The healthy corporation index requires employers to take action to prevent mental and physical illness. Resilience training is an important tool to achieve organizational vitalization by creating healthy workplace.
Stress Check
The purpose of the stress check system for workers is to prevent mental health problems at an early stage. After conducting a stress check every year, it is important to promote self-care for the worker and improve the work environment. The Resilie Laboratory can analyze the results of stress checks for organization as a whole and department level, For departments with high concentration of stressed employees, we design and make recommendations of intervention to remove the stressors and creates a healthy and well workplace.
Organizational Transition Management – Psychological Side of Change
Resilie provides customized training for your organization to manage changes effectively by assisting employees going through psychological side of change.
*Our trainer has William Bridges’s Organizational Transition Management™ certificate.Work Engagement and Team Work
We conduct Assessment (MBTI™). The individual assessment and group training facilitation will be done by Resilie. We provide group as well as individual coaching. Leaders will learn how to motivate employees according to MBTI types.How to remove mental health leaves due to work stress
Mental Health Training for Managers (3 hours )
Mental Health Training for Employees (3 hours)
Resilience Program for Leaders(12 coaching sessions: 1 year course)
- Group Resilience Training (#1)
- Individual Action Plan
- Resilience Coaching
Once a month x 10 months - Outcome measurement
- Group Resilience Training (#2)
Resilience Program for Employees(7 times:7 months)
- Group Resilience Workshop
Once a month × 6 months - Action planning/Outcome measurement
- Group Resilience Workshop
Resilience Coaching can include our original California Mindfulness Meditations.
Advisory for Occupational Heath, Human Resources and Private practice experts
We provide training and consultation to Occupational Health and Human Resources Professionals to promote mental health care for companies and we provide training and advisement as regard to how to handle occupational health / occupational mental health issues at work. Recently, as one of the new business developments for practitioners, we are conducting workshops on mindfulness and meditation techniques at work.
EAP Implementation
Resilie Laboratories provide know-how on implementing EAP that is highly effective in the workplace with our over 25 years in the fields of EAP, Occupational Health and Workplace mental health.
Our customers come to us with questions, such as,
“I have implemented EAP but it is not working properly”,
“I am looking for EAP that operate 24 hours a day”
“I want to redesign EAP which fits the needs of my employees”
Occupational Health
There are many issues to be tackled in occupational health activities, including mental health measures and overworked measures. The burden on occupational health staff is increasing. In addition, as work style reforms continues, occupational health activities needs to be conducted more effectively and efficiently than before. Resilie Laboratories is a multi-disciplinary team of occupational health consultants, industrial physicians, psychiatrists, public health nurses, and certified psychologists that assist internal industrial health teams or corporations and help build and enhance the occupational health and safety management system.
Global Talent Management
Example- In order to nurture expatriates as global talent and make sure they succeed in their overseas assignments, we will conduct expatriate assessments prior to their departure and provide coaching sessions via video calls during the overseas assignment for the employees and family members.
- Provide cultural diversity management skills training for HR, managers and locally hired foreign staff within Japan. We also have mediation training resolve conflicts.
* Resielier Institute’s mediation training is conducted by the accredited Trainer of the Mediation Training Institute (MTI). - We Conduct training and workshops to encourage diversity in organizations such as gender, LGBTQ status and age difference (millennium generations to older people) as well as race and nationality.
Referrals of Industrial Physician and Psychiatrist
ExampleNeedless to say, companies must have excellent human resources such as industrial physicians, occupational health nurses, and certified psychologists in promoting wellness and building occupational health management systems. Resilie Institute is licensed by Department of Labor to refer these staff to corporations in need.
California Mindfulness
ExampleThe California Mindfulness course focuses on improving stress management by improving concentration and performance while working, and at the same time adjusting the balance of autonomic nerves system (ANS) by learning how to rest the brain.
The Resilie Institute’s Mindfulness (California Mindfulness) has been proven to improve ANS function after just one-hour session.
Under the guidance of Dr. Steve Cole at the University of California, Los Angeles, we conducted research on the relationship between ANS and mindfulness meditation. Our program is developed in collaboration with psychiatrists and occupational health physicians, and proven to be effective in restoring ANS balance. Our mindfulness session can be arranged according to the needs of corporation and individuals
Mindfulness Medication
Resilie Laboratory with guidance of Positivelives Inc. created 6 version of Mindfulness medication(5-7 minutes each )
Breathing Mindfulness
Problem Solving – Keep a distance from Problems
Body Scan
Ideal Location
Mindful Eating
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
California Mindfulness Outcome measurement

Coaching to employees
ExampleResilience skills are important for everyone. It is a human skills of human mind.
Resilience can be enhanced from training and it can be used to prevent stress or stress-related illness.
Resilience coaching can be combined with California Mindfulness and 6 mindfulness meditation methods of Resilie.
6 steps of Resilience coaching
Resilience Pre-Assessment
Identify your strengths and weakless
Understanding Resilience
Resilience Coaching
Action to enhance strenth
Resilience Post-Assessment